I have been involved in the software engineering area since 2000 working with a variety of technologies and hardware platforms (ARM, PIC, PXI, etc), operational systems (Linux, RISC, RTEMS, etc), programming languages and tools (C/C++, Java, J2ME, J2EE, NI LabVIEW, NI MatrixX, NI Veristand), databases modeling (Oracle, Posgres, etc), frameworks, methodologies, standards (OO, UML, ESA E-40, DO-178/278B) and noncritical and critical Real-Time embedded applications. I have graduated as a computer engineering at UNICAMP, master degree in computer science at ITA (thesis in grid computing area), MBA in business management at FGV, electronics technician at ETEP (fist-place award) and NI LabView associated developer Certified (2011). Highly interested in System Engineering (INCOSE), Requirements Engineering, Software Engineering/Modeling (UML/SysML), Aerospace Engineering and Embedded Real-Time Systems. Currently working as a Software, System and Requirements Engineer in COMPSIS Aerospace segment. Working with ESA ECSS standards and very interesting projects to support satellite development at INPE. Information collected from Lattes on 05/05/2020.
Computer Engineering
He has a degree in Physics with a sandwich graduation at Monash University, in Melbourne, Australia, through the Science without Borders program (CsF) and has a Masters in Physics from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. He is currently a Researcher at the Materials Research Center at UFJF and is an Effective Member of the Brazilian Society of Astrobiology (SBA). He is doing a PhD in Physics at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) and at the University of Michigan-USA. Has experience in Astrobiology and Surface Physics, acting on the following subjects: Mars, Meteorites and Analytical Techniques (XRF, RAMAN and X-Ray Microtomography). In addition, it works with Teaching, Dissemination and Popularization of science. In addition, he is a reviewer of international journals X-Ray Spectrometry, Journal of Raman Spectrometry and national magazines such as the Brazilian Journal of Applied Technological Physics. Extra-academically, he has: 1) Extensive experience in Handball, having played in clubs such as Fluminense and the Brazilian Handball team. 2) Advanced level knowledge in Chess, having played several national tournaments and international championships in Brazil and Australia (currently with 2095 FIDE rating). Information collected from Lattes on 05/05/2020.
Graduated in Geology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, he has carried out petrographic and chemical analysis projects in electronic probe and Raman spectroscopy since January 2016, with an emphasis on rocky meteorites. He has participated in projects on speleogenesis in caves and caves in Rio de Janeiro with the EspeleoRio group. He is currently a master's student at the State University of Campinas with the project "Morphometric Analysis of Pluto Impact Craters". Information collected from Lattes on 06/04/2019.
Christian is the youngest son of researcher Maria Elizabeth Zucolotto. From a very young age he was always present at meteorite events and hunts, whether in Brazil or abroad, accompanying his mother. Acting as a volunteer employee, he received the title of compulsory intern by the meteorology team, due to the recognition of all his effort and dedication. Currently, he is taking an undergraduate course in Medicine at the University of Grande Rio. Part of the information collected from Lattes on 06/02/2019.
PhD in Sciences from the Institute of Chemistry at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2008), she has a master's degree in Astronomy from the National Observatory (2004), a Bachelor's Degree in Astronomy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2002). Has experience in the area of Astrophysics with an emphasis on Supergiant Stars B [e] and Astro-chemistry with an emphasis on ice and interstellar grain chemistry, acting mainly on the following themes: supergiant stars B [e], desorption of molecules in the interstellar medium, planetary surfaces and comets and formation of pre-biotic molecules in astrophysical environments. She was a researcher at the Institute of Research and Development at the University of Vale do Paraíba, professor at the undergraduate and graduate courses at this university and Coordinator of the Basic Core of Course Disciplines at the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism. She is currently an adjunct professor at the Observatory of Valongo, at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Reviewer since March 2011 of the journal Astrobiology (Larchmont, N.Y.) - ISSN: 1531-1074. Information collected from Lattes on 06/04/2019.
Bachelor in Geology from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA, 1995), it was during his undergraduate studies that he started working with petrology research, having subsequently the opportunity to research and teach topics related to Igneous Petrology, Geochronology and Geochemistry. After completing his master's degree in Geology / Petrology (1997), he started his PhD (1998), moving to Toronto / Canada (1999) to do part of the PhD through a sandwich internship (CAPES) at the Jack Satterly Geochronological Laboratory. In Brazil, she worked as a professor in the Department of Geochemistry at UFBA (2001-2010). In post-doctoral studies at the Jack Satterly Geochronological Laboratory at the University of Toronto (UofT) he had the opportunity to teach Planetary Geology to a class of 250 students. Currently the research is related to igneous petrology, covering applications of the tools of geochronology and geochemistry in samples of terrestrial and extraterrestrial rocks (meteorites), but also involving applied science (eg ornamental rocks) and work with the community for scientific dissemination and the progress of science through the important trinity of Geodiversity, Geoconservation and Geotourism. Information collected from Lattes on 06/04/2019.
He has a degree in Geology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2010) and a master's degree in Geosciences from the Postgraduate Program in Geosciences-Geopaleontological Heritage of the National Museum / UFRJ (2018). He has experience in the areas of Geology, Meteorology, Geoconservation, Hydrogeology and Paleontology, acting mainly in the following lines of research: geological mapping, analysis and classification of meteorites, geological heritage (geoparks), evaluation of monitoring wells, aquifer contamination, numerical modeling deHas a degree in Geology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2010) and a master's degree in Geosciences from the Postgraduate Program in Geosciences-Geopaleontological Heritage of the National Museum / UFRJ (2018). He has experience in the areas of Geology, Meteorology, Geoconservation, Hydrogeology and Paleontology, acting mainly in the following lines of research: geological mapping, analysis and classification of meteorites, geological heritage (geoparks), evaluation of monitoring wells, aquifer contamination, numerical modeling aquifers, field research for fossil and meteorite recovery. In addition, he has experience in the IT area, with an emphasis on consulting, computer maintenance and website design. He is currently a doctoral student in the graduate program in geology at UFRJ with the project "Recognition and Characterization of Metallic Meteorites Rescued after the National Museum / UFRJ Fire: Assessment of Structural, Compositional and Hardness Implications Caused by Thermal Effects". Information collected from Lattes on 06/04/2019.

Graduated in Chemistry from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), she also holds a master's degree from the same university in History of Science through the Postgraduate Program in History of Sciences and Techniques and Epistemology (HCTE) with the project entitled “A Historical and Chemical Study of the Meteorite Santa Catarina”. Currently works with chemical microanalysis of geological materials and meteorites through Microssonda Eletrônica, located in the geology department of UFRJ.

John Wasson is a professor of chemistry and biochemistry at the University of California at Los Angeles. He holds joint appointments at the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics and two departments - Earth and Space Sciences and Chemistry and Biochemistry. His research interests include cosmochemistry (the chemical composition of the solar system), the solar nebula, and meteoritics. Wasson also has a mineral named after him - Wassonite, composed of sulfur and titanium, which was identified in a meteorite found in Antarctica. Wasson is responsible for INAA () analyzes, which quantify the elements Ga, Ir and Ge in metallic meteorites and assists in the classification work, carried out by the team from Labsonda / IGEO / UFRJ. Part of the information collected on the AGU Planetary Sciences website on 07/24/2019.
He studied medicine at the medical technology school (1981-1983). Graduated in anthropology at Facultad de Ciencias Uruguay (1995-2000). Postgraduate studies in underwater archeology dictated by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2001-2003). He has experience in the field of Geosciences, with an emphasis on mineralogy, acting mainly on the following themes: holy victory of palmar, chondrites and meteorites. Currently, his main activity is to hunt for recent and also historic meteorites, which have fallen for many years, surveying historical data in museums and inhabitants of the region. Part of the information collected from the Escavador website on 07/24/2019.

Coordinator of the Laboratory of Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis, located in the Department of Geology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, has a degree in Geology from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (1983), a master's degree in Geology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1990 ) and PhD in Geosciences (Geochemistry and Geotectonics) from the University of São Paulo (1996). He is currently a full professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He is an ad-hoc reviewer of the journals Gondwana Research, Journal of South America Earth Sciences, Brazilian Journal of Geosciences, The Open Geology Journal, Geochimica Brasiliensis, Revista Rural University, Series Exact and Earth Sciences and Yearbook of the Institute of Geosciences (UFRJ). Has experience in Geosciences, with emphasis on Geochemistry, acting on the following subjects: geology rj, granitoids, riverside, petrography and geochemistry. Information collected from Lattes on 06/17/2019.

Klaus Keil é professor da Escola de Ciência e Tecnologia do Oceano e da Terra (SOEST) da Universidade do Havaí em Manoa. Ele é o ex-diretor do Instituto de Geofísica e Planetologia do Havaí. Ele também é o ex-diretor do Instituto de Meteoritos da Universidade do Novo México. Klaus foi pioneiro no uso da microssonda eletrônica para estudar amostras de meteoritos, sendo um dos co-inventores do detector EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy). Em 1988, Klaus ganhou a Medalha Leonard, concedida pela Sociedade Meteoritica. Em 2006, ele ganhou a Medalha J. Lawrence Smith, que é concedida pela National Academy of Sciences. Estes prêmios são devidos aos seus estudos quantitativos pioneiros de minerais em meteoritos e importantes contribuições para a compreensão da natureza, origem e evolução de seus corpos-mãe. O asteroide 5054 Keil e o mineral keilite são nomeados após Klaus. Informações coletadas do wikipédia em 24/07/2019.
Mineralogist and Geochemist
PhD in Geology by the Department of Geology of the Institute of Geosciences at UFRJ (1984). Retired Professor as an Associate in the Department of Geology at the National Museum of UFRJ (1993-2008). Researcher at EMBRAPA Level three since its foundation until 1992. Professor in the Departments of Chemistry and Metallurgy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1970 to 1975). Professor of Petrography, Department of Geology, UFRRJ (1972 to 1975). Geologist at the Institute of Agricultural Chemistry of MA (1960 to 1975). Graduated in Natural History at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1961). Specialization Course in Geology given by the Center for Specialization in Natural Resources (CEPERN) of the Panamerican Institute of Geography and History, (Diplôme d Études Approfondie en Petrographie, Course offered by the Department of Geology, University of Clermont Ferrand, France, 1968). Master's degree in Geology from the Department of Geology at UFRJ (1974). Micromorphology course at the University of Paris VII (1978). Internship on Special Petrography Techniques at Organization Scientifique Outre Mer (ORSTOM) Central Petrography Laboratories, Bondy, France (1978). Professional Experience: currently complete petrographic study of rocky meteorites; having worked in Petrography of terrestrial rocks, mineralogy of soils (of coarse fractions) and great experience in the study of clay minerals and oxides and hydroxides of the clay fraction of representative soils from all over Brazil. Emphasizing the study of surface geochemistry with the application of special techniques such as Microsonde and Scanning Electron Microscope. Information collected from Lattes on 06/18/2019.
Luiz Silva is the husband of Amanda Tosi and has always encouraged her in everything he chose to do in his profession. As a great supporter of his projects, although his professional area is totally different, being one of the partners of the planned furniture store Evviva Bertolini in Rio de Janeiro, he has always contributed with his knowledge of web design, helping since the creation of right up to the layout of the Aimeteorites.
Graduated in Industrial Chemistry from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 2019, where she currently finishes the Chemical Engineering course, she has a building technician from the Federal Center for Technological Education Celso Sucknow da Fonseca (2012). She was a scientific initiation student at prof. Dr. Maria Elizabeth Zucolotto, in which she was responsible for organizing and cataloging meteorites in the collection of the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro. Information collected from LinkedIn on 7/24/2019.
Industrial Chemisty

PhD in Geological Sciences, she is a researcher and director of ICATE (Instituto De Ciencias Astronomicas de La Tierra y del Espacio) at the National University of San Juan. His specialty is Geochemistry, mainly the geochemistry of meteorites and is interested in the areas of Petrology and Solar Nebula. In addition to articles in these areas, he has two books entitled “Meteorites: Rocosos Remains of the Primitive Solar System” and “Meteorites: Safes of the Solar Nebula”. Information collected from the Conicet website on 07/24/2019..

Graduated in Chemistry from the National Faculty of Philosophy - Chemistry Course (1963), Master in Geosciences (Geochemistry) from Universidade Federal Fluminense (1976), PhD in Sciences Physiques - Universite de Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie) (1982) and postdoctoral fellow at MIT, Francis Bitter Magnet Laoratory, in 1983. He is currently Senior Researcher (A-IIII) at the Brazilian Center for Physical Research (CBPF). She was Deputy Director of CBPF from 2001 to 2005. She has experience in the area of Condensed Matter Physics and Geosciences, with an emphasis on Geochemistry, acting mainly on the following themes: Meteorites, Mineralogy and Archeometry. A newly described asteroid in the Solar System was recently named after him for his pioneering work on the analysis of metallic meteorites using the Mössbauer effect. It’s called 7735Scorzelli. Information collected from Lattes on 07/24/2019.
He studied Astronomy at the Observatory of Valongo (UFRJ), where he made some fields in search of meteorites with Professor Maria Elizabeth Zucolotto. However, he did not complete the course, where he then studied Phonographic Production. He worked for a time in the area of audiovisual for planetariums, combining what he learned in these two colleges. He worked at the Gávea Planetarium and later on several other planetariums. After that, he did a postgraduate course in Science and Technology Dissemination at Fiocruz. Sandro had a scholarship at the Museum of Astronomy and worked directly with the area of his graduate studies, promoting science. Currently, he dedicates himself to his beer brand, Dead Dog, in which he had the idea of producing since the end of 2010, participating in several beer events. Part of the information collected from the P&Q Engenharia Jr. website on 07/24/2019.
Phonographic Producer and Brewer
Graduated in Geography at the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ. Technician in Geology and Mining by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte - IFRN. She is currently a Geology technician at the Department of Geology and Paleontology at the National Museum / UFRJ. Curates the collections of the Department, is part of the team of several research projects developed in the Petrography, Mineralogy and Meteoritic sectors. She is co-supervisor of the Petroleum sector's junior scientific initiation program. Information collected from Lattes on 06/18/2019.
Graduated in Geology from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (1983), master's degree in Geology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1993) and doctorate in Geology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1999). She is currently an adjunct professor II at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Has experience in Geosciences, with emphasis on Regional Geology, acting on the following subjects: Ribeira Belt, Intrusive Massifs in the state of ES and RJ, Litogeochemistry, Igneous Petrology and Mineralogy. Information collected from Lattes on 06/04/2019.

PhD in Geology from the Federal University of Bahia, where he defended the thesis Mineralogy and Texture of Bahian Meteorites. In the master's degree he presented the dissertation The Meteorite Bendegó: History, Mineralogy and Chemical Classification. The following subjects are the subject of his work: astronomy, meteorite, meteorite, Bendegó meteorites, Rio do Pires and Palmas de Monte Alto. He also has a degree in Business Administration from Universidade Salvador (1976), a master's degree in International Matters (Administrative Studies) - Ohio University (1978) and a master's degree in International Management - American Graduate School Of International Management (1979). is a specialist in public policies and government management of the Government of the State of Bahia Information collected from Lattes on 06/04/2019.

She holds a master's degree in Physics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1987) and a PhD in Physics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1993). Currently Associate Professor IV at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She has experience in the field of Experimental Physics, with an emphasis on Atomic and Molecular Physics, acting mainly on the following themes: ionization and fragmentation of molecules induced by electrons, charged ions and synchrotron radiation, Measurements of absolute shock sections of ionization, capture and loss of molecular gas electrons. Excitation, multi-ionization and dissociation measures of molecules of astro-chemical, biological and environmental interest by time-of-flight mass spectroscopy, coltrims, ionic yield and NEXAFS. Ion desorption stimulated by electrons applied to the formation of fragments and ionic clusters of ice. Elementary characterization of samples by PIXE, RBS, XPS and SEM techniques. Development of experimental apparatus and assembly of UHV systems Information collected from Lattes on 06/04/2019.